The Memorial Spiritualist Church

Support our Church
We are a friendly place to experience healing, awareness, and positive inspiration for Living in the World today.
We are a place of Love and No judgement as you travel in your own Life's Journey. Every Service includes a time for healing, along with an inspirational Life Message and a Greeting from the Spirit World.
It is always comforting to know that our Loved ones are watching over us and are sending us messages to let us know they are around us.
Our Church is one of the oldest Spiritualist Churches and is one of the few churches that was built as a Spiritualist Church and has been used for that same purpose for over 76 years.
Spiritualism is a Science, Philosophy and Religion of continuous life based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with those who live in the Spirit World.
(National Spiritualist Association of Churches 1919)
Adult Lyceum-
Discussing Interesting Topics or Books.
Sunday Morning
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Sunday Worship Service
Sunday Morning
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Children's Lyceum
Sunday Morning
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Wednesday Night Service
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
We are a teaching Center and offer numerous classes on a regular basis on various methods of Spiritual Development & Healing, basic philosophy, and even public speaking and mediumship.