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Memorial Spiritualist Church

The goal of the Memorial Spiritualist Church is to hold services, meetings, and classes to proclaim the Science, Philosophy and Religion of Spiritualism in accordance with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches of the United States of America. This would include:

  • To be open to all Religion.

  • Those who will receive, proof of the continuous life, communication with those that live in the spirit world demonstrated by means of mediumship is a fact, and is a beginning to a greater and higher life.

  • To dispense charity, to comfort the bereaved, and minister unto the sick and afflicted.

  • This is to be accomplished from the pulpit, and by private consultation with the minister or any member or designee of the church.


   PRINCIPLES (Simplified)

  1. We believe in God.

  2. We believe that God is expressed through all Nature.

  3. True religion is living in obedience to Nature’s Laws.

  4. We never die.

  5. Spiritualism proves that we can talk with people in the Spirit World.

  6. Be kind, do good, and others will do likewise.

  7. We bring unhappiness to ourselves by the errors we make and we will be happy if we obey the laws of life.

  8. Everyday is a new beginning.

  9. Prophecy and healing are expressions of God.


Website:    http://www.memorialspiritualistchurch. org

Phone:      757. 622.5070


Address:   307 West 37th St.  Norfolk Virginia 23518


When you partner with Memorial Spiritualist Church you effect change in the community and ensure our success in the future. Your tax-deductible (501 c3) contribution and volunteer service is welcomed. Thank you for caring and supporting our goals.  


Or by check payable to:  MSC 




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The point of view presented by the Speaker or Author, may not represent the views of the N.S.A.C or components.

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